12-30-2009 AT 10AM
Abe the Aborted Fetus
Adventures in Paying Rent V1
Adventures of Alex Ze Pirate
Adventures of Nikki Harris
Alice in Wonderland
Allusions & Imperfect
And Then One Day - AB
And Then One Day - Vol 1
And Then One Day - Vol 2
And Then One Day - Sketchbook
Angora Napkin
Armageddonquest Book
Arthur the Legend Continues
Astronaut Dad
Asylum of Horrors #1& #2
Ballad of the Intrepideers Vol
Beyond the Wall
Blackest Night #6
Brain Food
BRETHREN: Beginnings
Burnt Out Comix
BuzzPop #1 , #2 & #3
Catharsis DEFGI
Deadly Are the Naked
Case Files TPB
Cool Kids
Cool Kids TPB
Dames, Dollars and Daniels
Dead Man Holiday #
Death's Whisper Decimare
Distance Between
Dog Days of Sumo
Doofus 2 Death #1 & #2
Drake Bacula
Dusk One Shot Special
Dusk Trade
Dynamite Pilot
Echoes of Dawn #1
El Largo Tren Oscuro
Ex Occultus BOL
Fate's Cruel Trick
Ghoulash 2
Giant Size Tragic Relief
Gimoles:Secret of the Seasons
God of Rock
Gordy's Groovy Brain Hut #3
Great Big Pissed Off Bear #2
Green Monk
Greyduck Groundhog's Day
Harry #1
How Dear to Me is Sleep
The House that Hack Built
If You Can Read This You're Dead
Indestructible U Quarterly
The Iron Sea: Shipwrecked!
Jazz: Cool
Jim Keefe: Sketches &
Johnny Recon #1
Journey to Genos Chapter One
King of Pain #2
Kirby's Treehouse #2, #3 & #4
Life With Friends #1
L'il Buddha Loves You com
Ling Master #1 & #2
Lions, Tigers and Bears Vol 1
Lord Harold Lordamus
Love & Capes Vol 1 TPB
Love & Capes #11- #12
Manly Tales of Cowardice
Marvel 2010 Calendar - FREE!
Marvel Seige Promo - FREE!
Mimi's Doughnut Zine
Monster Mash
Mr. Negativity TPB
Muscles & Frights TPB
Muscles & Fights III TPB
My Holy Three
Paradise Road #1
People, Planes & Things
Pop Culture's Kids #1, #2 & #3
The Possum #1 & #2
Psyop Wars
R13 #1 & #2
Ramses Diary Comic Journal
Red Zone
The Lost Children
Retail Sunshine
Rival Angels TPB
Sa-Bom Jim #7, #8 & #10
Sandez Rey VS Reality
Scwonkey Dog
Seeds Anthology Various
Shelter Anthology
Starship Down #2
Steampunk Mice on the Moon Stormy Nights Super Maxi Pad Girl Super Babes Exquisite Corpse Supernatural Law #45 Tales of Supernatural Law Tales of Tralodren TPB Tastes Like Good Powerlines The Bomb The Cardinal The Good Catholic The Intrepideers & the BOB The Mighty Invincible Bear The Oswald Chronicles #1-#3 The Sodyssey Tommy Chicago #3 Turbulence Undead Evil Unstoppable Force Uptown Girl Meets the Mummy Valkkadia Vampire Brat TPB
Vampires: Dracula UD Legions
Vent #1
Visible Rooster Jack
Walkabout #1
Weird Illustrated #1
What Planet is This? #1
Wolves of Odin
World Wide News
Zed Reckoning #1, #2 & #3
Zine Supreme
Zoo Force
Adventures in Paying Rent
Arsenic Lullaby TPB's
Banana Republic
Everyday Gods
Transylvania Television DVD
And Much More!
Source Comics & Games | 1601 West Larpenteur Ave | Falcon Heights | MN | 55113
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
New T-Shirts from
Special for 2010 - NEW T-Shirts!
Below you will find the first three designs available. All the T-Shirts are 100% middle weight Cotton, perfect for the Artist in you! Casual confort that is a must in todays hectic world.
Take a look, hope you find one you like. Be sure to also check back. More designs to come soon.
Orders taken through, orders ship in 11-14 days.

Below you will find the first three designs available. All the T-Shirts are 100% middle weight Cotton, perfect for the Artist in you! Casual confort that is a must in todays hectic world.
Take a look, hope you find one you like. Be sure to also check back. More designs to come soon.
Orders taken through, orders ship in 11-14 days.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
!!HUGE announcement regarding MN comic-cons!!

!!HUGE announcement regarding MN comic-cons!!
Wednesday December 16th 2009, a HUGE announcement came to us from the Midwest Comic Book Association (MCBA) regarding their plans for Minnesota’s annual comic book conventions. ALL of us at Carbon Hallway Graphics and Production, along with our partners at A.N.A. Comics 100% support the MCBA. They represent the type of passion and dedication we love in this business and sincerely ask you to support them also. Especially in the face of this change, it gives us the opportunity to make this year the biggest convention season ever for the MCBA. We hope to see you there.
Below is the email we received from them. Please give it a read:
May 15 & 16 – 2010
10AM-5PM - Both Days
MN State Fairgrounds
In The Grandstand
1265 Snelling Ave N
St. Paul MN 55108
October 16 – 2010
MN State Fairgrounds
Progress Center
1621 Randall Ave N
St. Paul MN 55108
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Email if you have any questions
Dear Friends,
We got really good news last week! As most of you know, a lot of the national comic book conventions have changed their event dates for 2010. It started when one of the largest conventions in the country suddenly moved their date to the late fall and quickly, in response, a good chunk of the other conventions followed suit in changing dates. As a result, the MCBA was put into the position of having to move our dates so we wouldn't have to compete for guest creators. Easier said than done!
Fortunately for all of us, our preferred venue, the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, came through with flying colors! They were able to make space for us in the new world comic book convention date order with a slight and very interesting twist!
The Midwest Comic Book Association is pleased to announce our 2010 event dates:
May 15 & 16 2010 - 10AM to 5PM Both Days!
Minnesota State Fairgrounds
In the Grandstand
1265 Snelling Avenue North
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108
Something For Everyone
October 16, 2010 - 10AM to 5PM
Minnesota State Fairgrounds
Progress Center
1621 Randall Ave
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108
Something For Everyone
So, in other words, the two day convention will now be held in the spring (SpringCon) and FallCon will be the new one day convention in the Fall!
We're really excited about the opportunities and challenges that our new journey presents to all of us and invite you and all members of our community to join us as we set sail into the great and exciting unknown!
Finally, a request. We need your help to get the word out to our community about our new dates and times. We humbly request that you provide any assistance you might be able to offer via your e-mails, secret messages, magic, websites, tweeting, blogs, internet, snail mails, telegraph, word of mouth, Pony Express, etc. Any effort you can extend would be noticed and gracefully accepted!
We appreciate your being a part of our community and THANK YOU for letting us be part of yours! Look for more info and data bits in the near future!
The MCBA Geek Squad (The Original Geek Squad) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Founded in 1988 by Comic Book Fans and Creators, the Midwest Comic Book Association is a not-for-profit, non-aligned, diverse, all volunteer association. Dedicated to participating in and the promoting of the world of comic books. Providing access, service and developing the overall community of comic book creators of all types, publishers, retailers, media and fans.
Thanks for reading this information. We plan to have members of our community at both of these events. Mark your calander and make a point to stop by and say hello. We’d love to meet you.
Sincerely your friends,
Carbon Hallway Graphics & Production
Thursday, December 10, 2009
How to Make Comics!!
How to Make Comics!!
There a so many ways to “make comics” or to “break in” to this business. Tim Seeley, I believe said recently that it’s easier to break in to comics, then it is to stay in. I think to a very real level this is true. Think about it, list the names of quote “professional” creators out there, then tell me, who is doing pencils or writing on Spidergirl right now? Do you even know how long they have been on the title? I’m sure there are a few Spidergirl fans out there that would know the answer, yet compared to who could name the creators on titles like New Avengers, Superman, Green Lantern, or even Spiderman, there would be no comparison. Yet even YOU can make a comic.
Now you have options, choices to pick through to determine what it is you want to do. You can mold yourself, and get yourself in to a publisher doing work for hire assignments where you all you have is the pay for your work and occasional royalties from larger sales numbers. You could also do creator owned, self published work, where you are paid nothing up front, yet should your book do well, the money, creative rights, and ownership ALL go to YOU and no one else. Between these two most common paths there seems to be one trend that stands out over the last 15 years in comics. It is the strength of the creative team.
You’ll hear Editors talk about the finer points of storytelling, strength of solid anatomy, or the value in having a depth of knowledge regarding specific characters or the historical continuity of a character. What I am talking to you about is being a student of the game, knowing the business side of things and using that to your advantage. It is not for everyone. And that is ok, some people should only write or draw, ink or color, allowing the editors of the business handle the pairing of groups together, hoping one day to find their Jeph Loeb to their Ed McGuiness. Yet for those out there who have a need to steer their careers a little more there is a simple truth that can be found from studying the history of successful creators in the last 10 to 15 years.
Some creator teams didn’t find themselves until they were at a publisher like Marvel or DC, yet once finding each other; they have made a point to keep working together. They found there band and its time to make music, as it were. A great and very recent example of this pattern can be found in the pairing of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. Joining up on the Civil War Mega Event for Marvel, They followed that up with the HUGELY successful “Old Man Logan” centering around a now aged Wolverine, The pairing have found their stride and have become one of most successful creative team sales wise of the last decade. The Key to this is that THEY have seen it. So much so that the team of M&M are hitting the ground running with their own creator owned comic that is believed to start in March of 2010, printing through Marvels Icon imprint.
You also have guys like Brian M. Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming who made their mark with POWERS through Image comics, and have gone one to huge success as a pairing and found homes at Marvel, bringing POWERS with them. Each has gone on to do work with other creators however they never stopped working together as well.
This is the same with pairing of artist also. Teams like Michael Turner/Peter Steigerwald, Ed McGuiness/Dexter Vines, Jim Lee/ Scott Williams, and the lists go on with teams that have made a commitment to each other and through perseverance and TEAM WORK they have found success in the business. Moving from Independent/ Creator owned comics to work-for-hire at major publishers, and sometimes back again with continued success. WHY? Because they made a brand for themselves, and they stuck together in their work efforts. This gives Editors a package to look at. They have a book, and it needs and art team. They don’t have to find the next Quesada/Miki combo; they can just GO GET THEM, because they are a team.
This is KEY behind the methodology of A.N.A. Comics. There are plenty of folks in this business who will promise you opportunities, use you to get THEIR foot in the door, and simply get your work and not pay you and move on once the job is done. When all that is done, where are you really? More times than not you are right where you were to start. That is not acceptable for us, and it shouldn’t be for you. You have to take action, and you need to connect yourself with people that either are already where you want to be, or they are going in that direction. It’s the strength of the creative team. A.N.A. Comics is all about support and development of solid creators. To help them find their Stan Lee for their own Jack Kirby and go out to change the comic scene forever.

At we have a forum set up to share your work, get critiques and grow as an artist. We also use this as a field to develop relationships within the industry. A.N.A. Comics itself is the result of the combined joining of Supreme Knight Studios, Floating Island Press, and Carbon Hallway Graphics & Production. Each was on their own striving to put together comic books and other creative medium properties. We saw a similarity to our focus and made the commitment to go at this together. Taking the comic book production focus from all three of our studios, we combined to for A.N.A. Comics. Creators have asked us about working with us or for us. Our business model is different then what most have seen. Really it all come down to being committed.
You have to be committed to be part of A.N.A. Comics. We aren’t in the position to take your creator owned book, drop thousands of dollars of our resources to print and advertise it in the hopes that it would either sell enough for us to recoup our investment. Nor are we in the position to try to hold you financially accountable to the project. Quite simply it should be said:
At A.N.A. Comics, creators don’t work FOR us, they work WITH us.
This TEAM focus has been the key to our success so far and we believe it will continue to be. All of our projects are handled with open, honest, strait forward communication that eliminates confusion and promotes production. The way we do business may not be the avenue you find best for your strides to make comics, and that is ok. Still I will run down some of the things we are doing here at A.N.A. Comics, and you can see for yourself what we do:
A.N.A. Comics offers creators with their own web comic strips to submit to us, and if chosen, we would provide a website set up to hold your comic and feature your work. There is not out of pocket charge to the creator for this. There is a signed agreement and a commitment for regular production (at least one update a week) that would be required.

Currently there is one web-comic running at and 2 more planned for 2010. Take a look and see if you would like to feature your own story in our web-comics area.
With 2010 A.N.A. Comics starts what will be an Annual tradition: A.N.A. COMICS PRESENTS: We’re Indy #1! This Annual Anthology will feature works from Independent creators in all genre of storytelling. A.N.A. Comics doesn’t ask for any financial commitment from the creators to have their work included, nor is any pay promised back to the creators. A release is signed allowing A.N.A. Comics the privilege to print the submitted story in the Anthology. The goal is simply to showcase the wide range of great comics out there. The 2010 Anthology is full, however if you would ever wish to be included in a future printing, please keep an eye out for open submissions at

ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES: offers Indy Creators the opportunity to purchase Ad space on our site. If you look around you’ll notice a header and a side bar advertisement. These are set up to cycle through different advertisers we have, changing with each click of the page. With thousands of visitors to our website, your ad would be viewed hundreds if not thousands of times. offers three packages for advertizing, broken down by how many times your add would appear in a month: 500/Ads for $5 – 1200/Ads for $10 – or Unlimited Ads for $20 a month. All packages are offered in 3, 6, or 12 month increments. Our super saver package is Unlimited Ads for a FULL year for just $200.00. If you are interested in advertising with please email
We wouldn’t be much of a comics company without actual comic books. A.N.A. Comics first comic book was published October 2009.

BRETHREN: Beginnings marked the initial venture into physical comic book printing and also the start to the much anticipated creator owned project from A.N.A. Comics co-founder Anthony “ANMPH” Hary. The story is set to continue with issue one printing in May of 2010, and issue 2 in October 2010. A.N.A. Comics also has special Directors Cut Trade Paperback of Harijan, a sci-fi epic from the mind of A.N.A. Comics co-founder Nicholas P. Myers. This will be the first time his original mini-series is collected in one book, and it will contain a special interview with the creator along with never before seen art and previews of what is to come! We are very excited about that.

There are a couple other projects in the works, along with a special Charity benefit Swimsuit issue that is set to have the profits benefit Breast Cancer research. All the characters in the book, both men and women, will be characters from A.N.A. Comics. Making this book not only an awesome way to support a great cause, but also an unique opportunity to get to know characters from within the different worlds of A.N.A. Comics that you may have had otherwise.
We are always open to creators that would be looking for a home for their project. We have already started discussions with a couple creators and it’s great to see who else is out there. Similar to our other ventures, we do not ask for any financial commitment from creators we team up with, rather we set up a complimentary relationship that helps the creator establish a brand and reach out to a wider audience then they may have been able to on their own.
Things to know, A.N.A. Comics is a family based company. Outside of our annual anthology, or special creator owned books, we have no intention to produce products or stories with content that would be above what is typically allowed in a PG13 film. Our commitment is to stories, quality stories, and to keeping them free of fluff or any sort of gratuitous content included simply for the sake of doing it. If your property contains heavy gore, nudity, swearing, or offensive content, we are not who you are looking to work with, as we as a group feel those elements are not necessary at such an excessive level to tell a quality story, but rather they hurt your story.
We’ve considered a lot today. And we have looked over how A.N.A. Comics goes about the business of making comics. How will YOU make your comic? Will you work for someone else, or do you have the commitment and dedication to make your dream happen all on your own. There is not one path that is better than the other. You simply have to know which path is for you. Please feel free to visit the forum at and talk to us, share work, and bounce ideas around. We are here to help, and build up the Indy side of comics.
Thanks for reading.
There a so many ways to “make comics” or to “break in” to this business. Tim Seeley, I believe said recently that it’s easier to break in to comics, then it is to stay in. I think to a very real level this is true. Think about it, list the names of quote “professional” creators out there, then tell me, who is doing pencils or writing on Spidergirl right now? Do you even know how long they have been on the title? I’m sure there are a few Spidergirl fans out there that would know the answer, yet compared to who could name the creators on titles like New Avengers, Superman, Green Lantern, or even Spiderman, there would be no comparison. Yet even YOU can make a comic.
Now you have options, choices to pick through to determine what it is you want to do. You can mold yourself, and get yourself in to a publisher doing work for hire assignments where you all you have is the pay for your work and occasional royalties from larger sales numbers. You could also do creator owned, self published work, where you are paid nothing up front, yet should your book do well, the money, creative rights, and ownership ALL go to YOU and no one else. Between these two most common paths there seems to be one trend that stands out over the last 15 years in comics. It is the strength of the creative team.
You’ll hear Editors talk about the finer points of storytelling, strength of solid anatomy, or the value in having a depth of knowledge regarding specific characters or the historical continuity of a character. What I am talking to you about is being a student of the game, knowing the business side of things and using that to your advantage. It is not for everyone. And that is ok, some people should only write or draw, ink or color, allowing the editors of the business handle the pairing of groups together, hoping one day to find their Jeph Loeb to their Ed McGuiness. Yet for those out there who have a need to steer their careers a little more there is a simple truth that can be found from studying the history of successful creators in the last 10 to 15 years.
Some creator teams didn’t find themselves until they were at a publisher like Marvel or DC, yet once finding each other; they have made a point to keep working together. They found there band and its time to make music, as it were. A great and very recent example of this pattern can be found in the pairing of Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. Joining up on the Civil War Mega Event for Marvel, They followed that up with the HUGELY successful “Old Man Logan” centering around a now aged Wolverine, The pairing have found their stride and have become one of most successful creative team sales wise of the last decade. The Key to this is that THEY have seen it. So much so that the team of M&M are hitting the ground running with their own creator owned comic that is believed to start in March of 2010, printing through Marvels Icon imprint.
You also have guys like Brian M. Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming who made their mark with POWERS through Image comics, and have gone one to huge success as a pairing and found homes at Marvel, bringing POWERS with them. Each has gone on to do work with other creators however they never stopped working together as well.
This is the same with pairing of artist also. Teams like Michael Turner/Peter Steigerwald, Ed McGuiness/Dexter Vines, Jim Lee/ Scott Williams, and the lists go on with teams that have made a commitment to each other and through perseverance and TEAM WORK they have found success in the business. Moving from Independent/ Creator owned comics to work-for-hire at major publishers, and sometimes back again with continued success. WHY? Because they made a brand for themselves, and they stuck together in their work efforts. This gives Editors a package to look at. They have a book, and it needs and art team. They don’t have to find the next Quesada/Miki combo; they can just GO GET THEM, because they are a team.
This is KEY behind the methodology of A.N.A. Comics. There are plenty of folks in this business who will promise you opportunities, use you to get THEIR foot in the door, and simply get your work and not pay you and move on once the job is done. When all that is done, where are you really? More times than not you are right where you were to start. That is not acceptable for us, and it shouldn’t be for you. You have to take action, and you need to connect yourself with people that either are already where you want to be, or they are going in that direction. It’s the strength of the creative team. A.N.A. Comics is all about support and development of solid creators. To help them find their Stan Lee for their own Jack Kirby and go out to change the comic scene forever.

At we have a forum set up to share your work, get critiques and grow as an artist. We also use this as a field to develop relationships within the industry. A.N.A. Comics itself is the result of the combined joining of Supreme Knight Studios, Floating Island Press, and Carbon Hallway Graphics & Production. Each was on their own striving to put together comic books and other creative medium properties. We saw a similarity to our focus and made the commitment to go at this together. Taking the comic book production focus from all three of our studios, we combined to for A.N.A. Comics. Creators have asked us about working with us or for us. Our business model is different then what most have seen. Really it all come down to being committed.
You have to be committed to be part of A.N.A. Comics. We aren’t in the position to take your creator owned book, drop thousands of dollars of our resources to print and advertise it in the hopes that it would either sell enough for us to recoup our investment. Nor are we in the position to try to hold you financially accountable to the project. Quite simply it should be said:
At A.N.A. Comics, creators don’t work FOR us, they work WITH us.
This TEAM focus has been the key to our success so far and we believe it will continue to be. All of our projects are handled with open, honest, strait forward communication that eliminates confusion and promotes production. The way we do business may not be the avenue you find best for your strides to make comics, and that is ok. Still I will run down some of the things we are doing here at A.N.A. Comics, and you can see for yourself what we do:
A.N.A. Comics offers creators with their own web comic strips to submit to us, and if chosen, we would provide a website set up to hold your comic and feature your work. There is not out of pocket charge to the creator for this. There is a signed agreement and a commitment for regular production (at least one update a week) that would be required.

Currently there is one web-comic running at and 2 more planned for 2010. Take a look and see if you would like to feature your own story in our web-comics area.
With 2010 A.N.A. Comics starts what will be an Annual tradition: A.N.A. COMICS PRESENTS: We’re Indy #1! This Annual Anthology will feature works from Independent creators in all genre of storytelling. A.N.A. Comics doesn’t ask for any financial commitment from the creators to have their work included, nor is any pay promised back to the creators. A release is signed allowing A.N.A. Comics the privilege to print the submitted story in the Anthology. The goal is simply to showcase the wide range of great comics out there. The 2010 Anthology is full, however if you would ever wish to be included in a future printing, please keep an eye out for open submissions at

ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES: offers Indy Creators the opportunity to purchase Ad space on our site. If you look around you’ll notice a header and a side bar advertisement. These are set up to cycle through different advertisers we have, changing with each click of the page. With thousands of visitors to our website, your ad would be viewed hundreds if not thousands of times. offers three packages for advertizing, broken down by how many times your add would appear in a month: 500/Ads for $5 – 1200/Ads for $10 – or Unlimited Ads for $20 a month. All packages are offered in 3, 6, or 12 month increments. Our super saver package is Unlimited Ads for a FULL year for just $200.00. If you are interested in advertising with please email
We wouldn’t be much of a comics company without actual comic books. A.N.A. Comics first comic book was published October 2009.

BRETHREN: Beginnings marked the initial venture into physical comic book printing and also the start to the much anticipated creator owned project from A.N.A. Comics co-founder Anthony “ANMPH” Hary. The story is set to continue with issue one printing in May of 2010, and issue 2 in October 2010. A.N.A. Comics also has special Directors Cut Trade Paperback of Harijan, a sci-fi epic from the mind of A.N.A. Comics co-founder Nicholas P. Myers. This will be the first time his original mini-series is collected in one book, and it will contain a special interview with the creator along with never before seen art and previews of what is to come! We are very excited about that.

There are a couple other projects in the works, along with a special Charity benefit Swimsuit issue that is set to have the profits benefit Breast Cancer research. All the characters in the book, both men and women, will be characters from A.N.A. Comics. Making this book not only an awesome way to support a great cause, but also an unique opportunity to get to know characters from within the different worlds of A.N.A. Comics that you may have had otherwise.
We are always open to creators that would be looking for a home for their project. We have already started discussions with a couple creators and it’s great to see who else is out there. Similar to our other ventures, we do not ask for any financial commitment from creators we team up with, rather we set up a complimentary relationship that helps the creator establish a brand and reach out to a wider audience then they may have been able to on their own.
Things to know, A.N.A. Comics is a family based company. Outside of our annual anthology, or special creator owned books, we have no intention to produce products or stories with content that would be above what is typically allowed in a PG13 film. Our commitment is to stories, quality stories, and to keeping them free of fluff or any sort of gratuitous content included simply for the sake of doing it. If your property contains heavy gore, nudity, swearing, or offensive content, we are not who you are looking to work with, as we as a group feel those elements are not necessary at such an excessive level to tell a quality story, but rather they hurt your story.
We’ve considered a lot today. And we have looked over how A.N.A. Comics goes about the business of making comics. How will YOU make your comic? Will you work for someone else, or do you have the commitment and dedication to make your dream happen all on your own. There is not one path that is better than the other. You simply have to know which path is for you. Please feel free to visit the forum at and talk to us, share work, and bounce ideas around. We are here to help, and build up the Indy side of comics.
Thanks for reading.
ana comics,
breaking in,
Friday, November 27, 2009
Be at the Souce Comics and Games December 30th - ANMPH will be!!
Hey guys and gals, Anthony ANMPH Hary here!!

Don’t forget in just 5 weeks, December 30th will be here and you need to be at your local comic book store for Indy Comic book week! If your store doesn’t know about it, MAKE THEM KNOW and encourage them to support the independent side of Comic Books.
For those of us in Minnesota, take a little trip and come see Myself and a couple other fantastic Indy Creators, as we will be at the Source comics and games for their ICBW event.
Source Comics and Games, located in Falcon Heights, MN are planning a sweet event day to fully promote all the great independent creators we have locally. I will be at the store all day with copies of BRETHREN: Beginnings, along with a few other goodies that you will have to stop by to see.
I’ll also be doing sketches for just $5 all day. If you are going to be in the area and want to stop by, please do. It is always fun to talk to other fans of comics. You can also pre-order sketches if you would like. Simply click the button below:

Don’t forget in just 5 weeks, December 30th will be here and you need to be at your local comic book store for Indy Comic book week! If your store doesn’t know about it, MAKE THEM KNOW and encourage them to support the independent side of Comic Books.
For those of us in Minnesota, take a little trip and come see Myself and a couple other fantastic Indy Creators, as we will be at the Source comics and games for their ICBW event.
Source Comics and Games, located in Falcon Heights, MN are planning a sweet event day to fully promote all the great independent creators we have locally. I will be at the store all day with copies of BRETHREN: Beginnings, along with a few other goodies that you will have to stop by to see.
I’ll also be doing sketches for just $5 all day. If you are going to be in the area and want to stop by, please do. It is always fun to talk to other fans of comics. You can also pre-order sketches if you would like. Simply click the button below:
Monday, October 12, 2009
FallCON 2009: Grade = A+
Carbon Hallway Graphics & Production's had Anthony Hary at MCBA 21st annual FallCON comic book celebration. Had an awesome turn out, and want to thank all of you that took the time to come by his table!
Visit and read his review of the show. Also visit for updates on our comic book activities.
Thank you!
Visit and read his review of the show. Also visit for updates on our comic book activities.
Thank you!
Friday, October 09, 2009
FallCON 2009
Follow up Friday – FallCON 2009 Edition
Hello everyone!
Anthony Hary here! Thanks for tuning in.
Tomorrow marks the start of the 21st annual MCBA Comic book Celebration lovingly known as FallCON! This will be my 6th FallCON, and this year I will be joined by Nicholas P. Myers, Creator of Harijan and The Precarious Adventures of Newton Von Brisby – web comic appearing on Nicholas is also the VP of IP Management at A.N.A. Comics and founder of Floating Island Press. This is his FIRST appearance at FallCON and we are both very excited for the show.
Huge news for the show is the release of BRETHREN: Beginnings! Inside you will find the first part to the upcoming BRETHREN mini-series that starts Spring 2010. It’s an exciting first look at the world of BRETHREN. You are introduced to our two main characters: Tax and Lotus, along with a view of the mystery behind the origin of the world they live in. BRETHREN: Beginnings is a jam-packed Primer that is a MUST READ!
We’ll have a limited number of copies available at FallCON for purchase.
BRETHREN: Beginnings was Written, Illustrated, Lettered and formatted by Anthony Hary, who will be at the show to sign Your copy when you come to pick it up! Additional merchandise for BRETHREN is also available!! We’ll have an 11/17 inch Mini-Poster and Special Convention Exclusive BRETHREN Bookmarks. Be sure and stop by to meet the creator and get your merchandise right away on Saturday so you don’t miss out!!
A.N.A. Comics invades FallCON!!!
Along with the release of BRETHREN: Beginnings, the guys from A.N.A. Comics are bringing another FallCON special!!
A.N.A. Comics: Welcome to Our World
This book contains around 40 pages of previews of art and story, along with an interview with the Founders of A.N.A. Comics – Adrian Wilkins (President), Nicholas P. Myers (VP of IP Management), and Anthony “ANMPH” Hary (EIC/ VP of Brand Management)! Within those pages you will get a rare look at the projects coming out through A.N.A. Comics in the next year. It is also the ONLY book that you can get printed pages from Nicholas P. Myers’ web-comic TPANVB. There is too much awesome stuff in this book to not pick it up for just $5!
Visit for all the info on admission cost and hours for FallCON!
We will See YOU there!!!
Hello everyone!
Anthony Hary here! Thanks for tuning in.
Tomorrow marks the start of the 21st annual MCBA Comic book Celebration lovingly known as FallCON! This will be my 6th FallCON, and this year I will be joined by Nicholas P. Myers, Creator of Harijan and The Precarious Adventures of Newton Von Brisby – web comic appearing on Nicholas is also the VP of IP Management at A.N.A. Comics and founder of Floating Island Press. This is his FIRST appearance at FallCON and we are both very excited for the show.
Huge news for the show is the release of BRETHREN: Beginnings! Inside you will find the first part to the upcoming BRETHREN mini-series that starts Spring 2010. It’s an exciting first look at the world of BRETHREN. You are introduced to our two main characters: Tax and Lotus, along with a view of the mystery behind the origin of the world they live in. BRETHREN: Beginnings is a jam-packed Primer that is a MUST READ!
We’ll have a limited number of copies available at FallCON for purchase.
BRETHREN: Beginnings was Written, Illustrated, Lettered and formatted by Anthony Hary, who will be at the show to sign Your copy when you come to pick it up! Additional merchandise for BRETHREN is also available!! We’ll have an 11/17 inch Mini-Poster and Special Convention Exclusive BRETHREN Bookmarks. Be sure and stop by to meet the creator and get your merchandise right away on Saturday so you don’t miss out!!
A.N.A. Comics invades FallCON!!!
Along with the release of BRETHREN: Beginnings, the guys from A.N.A. Comics are bringing another FallCON special!!
A.N.A. Comics: Welcome to Our World
This book contains around 40 pages of previews of art and story, along with an interview with the Founders of A.N.A. Comics – Adrian Wilkins (President), Nicholas P. Myers (VP of IP Management), and Anthony “ANMPH” Hary (EIC/ VP of Brand Management)! Within those pages you will get a rare look at the projects coming out through A.N.A. Comics in the next year. It is also the ONLY book that you can get printed pages from Nicholas P. Myers’ web-comic TPANVB. There is too much awesome stuff in this book to not pick it up for just $5!
Visit for all the info on admission cost and hours for FallCON!
We will See YOU there!!!
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